The Cusp
October 17, 2024The Cusp (2024)
What I create, or the process, is not one of linear ideas. The “work” is often wrapped in a kind of reality devoid of time-form. I do not enjoy writing about my work in the present, nor do I find empathy for expectations. Explaining one’s process in the language of expectation is perhaps the most removed from its spirit, and one does not hope to attain any true insight from it anyway.
True life has always resided on the cusp. I suffer gravely from migraines where the pain seems to stretch back from birth and offers a passage forward to death. In that suspended frequency there is absolute clarity at times. Would I put the flowers to my chest and proclaim to God, in the way of Francis, that the pains are a worthy gift, the likes of which one must make themselves deserved? Or will the cusp be my residence?
I have come to believe in my life that water truly does turn to vapor, and then water again. Time is the only difference. Probably.
- Maxwell N